My Soap Story

Mutts and Butts is rebranded from a previous shop I had in the early 2000’s. I started making soap when my daughter was three as an escape from life as a new mom and a crazy full-time job. I attended festivals and loved creating new and exciting flavors (the oatmeal, honey and cinnamon was one of my original flavors!). Shortly after the start of my soap company, I became a single mom - leaving my soap business on hold ... until now. In 2015, my daughter and I moved to North Carolina so she could pursue her dreams of being a special education teacher in a great program. I bought a house in the height of the pandemic solidifying that North Carolina was now our home. In December 2020, we adopted a Coonhound mix, Hanz, who had two previous owners at only age 1.5 and was abused! My daughter pushed me to start creating soaps again and I knew with the addition of our sweet Hanzie, there had to be a dog line! The birth of Mutts and Butts is a passion projected dedicated to both my daughter and Hanz.

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